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Getting to know Eden


Basic Personal Information

Name: Eden Morgenstern


Birth name: Evangeline


Race: Witch/Demon, with some traits of Vampirism

Date of birth: October 31st, 1682


Age: 338 years old


Apparent Age: 21


Age “Turned”: 19


Date of “Rebirth”: April 23rd, 1701

Place of birth: Unknown


Zodiac sign: Scorpio


Blood type: Not recognizable



  • E

  • Morning Star

  • Little Blue

  • Voodoo

  • Dragonfly

  • Blue


Smoker: Yes – cigarettes and marijuana


Drinker: Yes


Drugs: No


Career: She uses her skills and abilities as Witch/Demon to her advantage - to seek, hunt, procure, create/cast spells, etc.

Physical Stats


Height: 5’2”


Weight: 110 lbs


Hair: Blue with a silver streak, which starts at her hairline above her right eye; mid-back length; usually braided

*A note on her hair: Her hair color, length, and style can be changed at will via Magick, with the exception of the silver streak; its color and location cannot be changed; her preference for color is blue - light or dark


Eyes: Left eye is swirling blue and gold, right eye is white and she is blind in that eye; both eyes were frosty blue at birth


Distinguishing Marks, Scars, Body Mods, Etc

Birthmark: Upside down star at the base of the back of her neck



  • Crescent shaped scar from right temple that curves over her right eye and down to her cheek

  • Set of three sizeable jagged scars wrapping around her right side

  • Six-inch scar on upper left thigh

  • Burn scar on right forearm

  • Various scars on her back from being whipped, caned, and flogged

  • Brand in the shape of a pentagram on the left side of neck

  • A large scar mars her chest, where she once removed her heart [See Rise of the Blood Phoenix story under History]

*A note on her scars: She can hide or reveal her scars at will using Magick, or more specifically Glamour – with the exception of her facial scar, it cannot be hidden. Although, she prefers to keep them hidden from others unless they are on a familiar basis and she is comfortable enough to show them. Only those with very strong Magickal ability can see her hidden scars (without making them visible to others) or, at great risk, can force them to appear. The forced reveal is not advisable.


  • Septum

  • Labret

  • Tongue

  • Ears (multiple)

  • Bellybutton

  • Nipples


  • Black spade - back of right hand

  • Skull - left upper arm

  • Black tribal sun – center upper back

  • Blue rose on right thigh

  • Black and blue butterfly on left hip

  • Black Ankh – center upper chest

  • Single thin black band around each wrist

  • Three thin black bands circling each upper forearm

  • Three thorn vines connecting the black bands, on both outer forearms

  • Single thick black band around each ankle

  • Demonic dagger on left inner forearm

  • Stars in various colors and sizes, trailing up the right side of neck

  • Tree of life on upper abdomen, below breasts

  • Tribal style Hell beast on right shoulder; however it moves to other locations often and can be called from body if needed

  • Seven stars across lower abdomen with a slight downward arc (just above pubic area), center star is largest and is striped with black and light blue ink, small outer stars and inner stars are black, small center stars are striped with black and pink (this tattoo is highly personal in nature and is not one she will discuss with just anyone)


Eden is usually very laid back and chill. She just likes to smoke, drink, hang out, and have fun. Unless she's provoked.

Provoking her is typically a bad idea, especially if she is underestimated. If provoked enough her Demon Rage switch can be flipped. That is the point that everyone needs to get as far away as possible until the damage is done. Very little is effective in pulling her out of that before it has run its course.

She is just as happy to have an adventure, as she is to sit and drink and smoke and cut up with those she knows. She can sometimes come off as standoff-ish to those that don't know her well, but that is just her general default due to her underlying general distrust of others until she gets to know them.


But for those that she knows and loves - those she calls friends and family - she will defend and fight for them until the end of days because she is fiercely protective and loyal. Earning that unwavering loyalty is not easy, but it is worth the effort.


Eden also has a bit of a sadistic streak at times. Usually it's only when she wants to feed or if it somehow will sate an odd sense of curiosity she has about something. Although, sometimes it's just because she wants to be.


She's also highly curious. Occasionally that gets her in trouble of some sort. But she tends to see that as an unexpected adventure.

Relationships, Sexuality,

& Kink

Relationship status: Single, not interested

Partner: N/A

Relationship style: Strictly monogamous

Sexuality: Bisexual, but she generally leans male in her interests



BDSM/Kink: She is no stranger to the kink game.


Kinky Fuckery:


== Results from == 

100% Primal (Prey) 

100% Rope bunny 

99% Voyeur 

99% Submissive 

98% Exhibitionist 

97% Brat 

95% Degradee 

94% Boy/Girl 

91% Pet 

87% Masochist 

70% Slave 

60% Sadist 

58% Experimentalist 

57% Non-monogamist 

52% Ageplayer 

25% Switch 

18% Vanilla 

17% Rigger 

13% Primal (Hunter) 

10% Dominant 

4% Degrader 

3% Brat tamer 

2% Daddy/Mommy 

1% Master/Mistress 

0% Owner



Role: Evolving, and something of a mix – mainly submissive, but also a bit of a masochist, brat, little, kitten


Status: N/A






Hair pulling


Collars and cuffs

Eye contact restrictions






Verbal degradation




And more. But that’s a glimpse.

Soft limits:




Private humiliation


Hard limits:


Bathroom play


Public humiliation


Clothing and accessories


Eden prefers to dress casually and comfortably. But she has no problem dressing up if need be, or if she just wants to.

Clothes: She is usually seen wearing a band shirt (typically Breaking Benjamin) and either skinny jeans or baggy cargo pants, with a lightweight hooded jacket with the hood up.

Shoes: Usually seen wearing bright or baby blue patent leather Doc Martens with black laces or black and white Adidas shoes

Regular jewelry/accessories:

  • Ankh pendant on silver chain

  • Silver topaz poison ring on right hand, ring finger

  • Plain silver band on left hand, middle finger

  • Her body jewelry, of course

She will sometimes wear additional rings and necklaces, and sometimes bracelets.


General Likes

  • Blood

  • Money

  • Music

  • Books

  • Art

  • Exploration

  • Nature

  • Dominant men

  • Sex

  • Kinky fuckery

  • Hunting

  • Drinking

  • Smoking

  • Having fun

  • Weapons, especially blades

  • Shiny things

  • Trinkets/baubles

  • Coffee

  • Honesty

  • Loyalty

  • Trinkets

  • Stones, crystals, gems

  • Bones, skulls, horns, teeth/fangs/claws

  • "Creepy" things

  • Animals



Favorite Things


Color: Blue

Music: She loves music as a whole and listens to all kinds


Non-alcoholic drink: Tea, flavored water, coffee, energy drinks, Dr. Pepper


Alcoholic drink: Hard cider, Jagermeister, vodka, Crown, and mixed drinks


Food: Chicken quesadillas


Blood: Type O – negative or positive; especially fond of Magick laced or infused blood


Junk foods: Chocolate, Skittles, gummy candy, or pie

Flowers: Osiria roses, regular roses, and orchids


Season: Fall


Stones/gems/jewels: Sapphire, topaz, garnet, moonstone, amethyst, quartz, onyx


Animals: Fox, wolf, crows, ravens, harpy eagles, big cats, bats, rats, snakes, dogs, cats….really any kind of animals.


General Dislikes


  • Very large fires

  • Dishonesty

  • Idiocy

  • Pompous asshats

  • Bad blood – literally and figuratively

  • Bad drink

  • Bad weed

  • Bad coffee

  • Getting stiffed – but who does like it?

  • Hunting animals for no reason

  • Fighting without good cause



  • Abandonment issues

  • Inability to commit to serious relationships (tied to abandonment issues)

  • Can sometimes be sad-triggered by seemingly nothing and will immediately leave wherever she is to avoid anyone seeing her visibly upset

  • Might be just a little off skew

  • Strong possibility that she suffers from PTSD

  • Iffy coping skills

  • Sometimes she struggles with anxiety and can get easily overwhelmed


Hobbies & Interests


  • Reading

  • Music – listening to it as well as singing

  • Writing

  • Spending time in Nature

  • Exploring/going on adventures

  • Collecting odd and miscellaneous things

  • Trying to learn violin

  • Swimming, preferably in a source/body of natural water






 Skills & Abilities


  • Magick

  • Hunting – animals, monsters, and humans

  • Fighting

  • Being a ghost, until she doesn’t want or have to be

Magick Information

Abilities: Materialization, telekinesis, healing, cloaking/Glamour, astral projection, conjuration, telepathy, necromancy,


Other, generalized: Spell work, energy work, spirits, divination, scrying, 


Limitations: While quite strong, Eden’s Magick is not without its limits. She can expend it to the point of being temporarily drained, although it takes a lot for her to drain herself completely. However, if that is ever the case and she is not given an opportunity to “replenish/regenerate” – which she can do via feeding (blood and energies), secondary healing, and the use of specialty potions and items – she has to rest and wait for her Magick to gradually replenish itself. (Basically think of it like magic/MP in a video game, where it either takes time to regain/refill MP or can be boosted by secondary healing, potions, or certain items than can be ingested or used to draw from.) Each ability that she has uses a certain amount of her Magick each time she uses it. The amount of Magick used is dependent upon the specific ability and the extent of use – or in the case of spell or energy work, or other general use of Magick, it depends upon how much is required for the task. If she lacks the required Magick needed for a certain instance she is able to give herself a boost, typically through the use of enchanted items or sacrifice of some kind.

Other Things to Note


Blood Lineage: Witch and demon



  • Facial scar acquired at the age of ten, from being attacked (the one attacking was a master of magic and holy enchanted weapons like the one being wielded do a lot of damage and leave scars that cannot be healed/removed)

  • Pentagram brand received at the age of ten, to mark her as a spawn of a witch so everyone knew to leave her alone

  • Back scars acquired at the age of ten, from whippings, caning, and flogging

  • Side and thigh scars at the age of 19, from an attack by an unholy beast and its handler that almost took her life and was what brought about the Change to save her life

  • Burn scar at the age of 65, from special formula of Holy water

Random Facts

  • Spent time with pirates


  • Grows her own special strain of marijuana. It is grown using specialty blood mixed into the water used to water the plants and blessed with Magick; that gives it the ability to get “higher level” (ha!) Supes high, whereas most strains will do little to nothing for them

  • Has abandonment issues

This website is created for the use with Vampires! The Dark Alleyway.

I do not own rights to any of the pictures or other media, unless specified otherwise.

All pictures and media belong to their original owners.

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