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A Quick Word About Eden As a Character

Eden is a fully custom character I created on my own from my imagination and was not based upon a real person as a “template”. Due to that, there is difficulty finding a model to represent her and her specific physical attributes and body modifications. Once a model is found that fits well enough to her basic physical stats some things will need to be edited.


Those edits include her hair (if the model does not already have blue tresses) and her eyes, as well as the addition of her scars, tattoos, and piercings – if possible. If any of those three things are not possible to add, it will have to be left to the imagination and descriptions while writing. Such is the downside of creating a custom character with no base off of a real person.

This website is created for the use with Vampires! The Dark Alleyway.

I do not own rights to any of the pictures or other media, unless specified otherwise.

All pictures and media belong to their original owners.

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